Welcome to Design Life Diaries
Welcome to Design Life Diaries!!
I am a Christian who belongs to an amazing God of Grace. I am married to
an incredibly supportive husband, who just also happens to be my best friend. I
am crazy passionate about all things creative. And last but definitely not
least- I am a self-titled foodie who enjoys all the deliciousness Los Angeles
has to offer.
I grew up as a girlie tomboy. My mom would find me climbing
trees and catching frogs in my favorite princess gown any day of the week. Sometimes I'd throw on a tutu for a fashionable bike ride (true story). If only Carrie Bradshaw had already made tutus in public socially acceptable!
Still in love with fashion and adventure, I've added re-do junkie and bucket list enthusiast to the mix.
Everyone has their highs and lows in life, and I am by far no
exception. This blog showcases my highlights, and I am so excited to share it
with you all!
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